The Best Camouflage Techniques For Hunting

Via: A and W McCarthy (Firm), Grass suits when duck shooting (1902), from PICRYL.
One of the best ways to up your hunting game is by coming to the table with various ways to remain undetected when you’re out in pursuit of a game in the wilderness. Today we will present the best camouflage techniques for hunting to achieve these very goals.
If you want more guides like this, check out our list of Essential Hunting Tools.
Hunting Under The Beauty of Flowers
Via: Infantryman camouflage themselves during a combat training exercize, from PICRYL.
If you are after a top camouflage technique whilst looking beautiful whilst doing it, a bouquet could be the perfect tool you need to conceal from the eyes of the rabbit or other little critter you pursue.
Hunting With a Classic Painted Splash
Via: Marine photographers wear camouflage paint, from PICRYL.
When you think of camouflage, you probably think of outfits and painted faces like this, for a good reason! It seems superficial, but this camouflage pattern has proven to be an excellent way to conceal yourself in the wilderness from those who might not be expecting to see you.
Be At One With The Tree
Via: A man in a camouflage suit that blends with the coloring of the tree (1918), from PICRYL.
If you don’t want to be as out in the open as the options on this list, you might want to wear a bark-printed cloak and blend into a tree. This could be great if you are not hunting too far away from your pad so you can match the tree just right. You can scout without being spotted, but this could be less effective if you plan to move from tree to tree.
Become Constricted to The Rocks
Via: The conspicuity of this soldier contrasts with his appearance (1918), from PICRYL.
Similarly to the tree technique, you can do the same with rocks. The upside to this one is that you can lie down and handle your rifle as you scout your next target. However, when it comes to homing in on the game, this rocky technique might fall flat compared to more mobile ones on this list.
Become a White And Soft Like Snow
Via: Soldiers in The Winter War (1940), PICRYL.
We wouldn’t recommend hunting in the snow. However, if you visit an arctic climate to pursue snow wolves and other game, there are ways to remain undetected. We recommend simply dressing in all white and using the snowy backdrop to do the rest. You can see that this is very effective!
Adopt a Ghillie Suit
Via: A sniper wearing a camouflage ghillie suit crosses a stream, PICRYL.
If you want to give a classic camouflage technique a go, we recommend the ghillie suit. It is a great way to remain undetected when you are in the world, regardless of what environment you find yourself trekking through. It will keep you hidden whether you are moving, standing or lying down. However, it might take a bit to get on, and you look like a yeti, which might persuade you away from this suit.
Wear a Full Camo Suit
Via: Painting of camouflage uniform, PICRYL.
The number one choice for camouflage is a waterproof and entire-body patterned suit like the one shown above. Being the standard for the military for over fifty years, it has been adopted by hunters and other professionals because it is truly the best way to remain hidden when out in the wilderness. You can get it in various colors, so even if green isn’t perfect for your arctic trip; you can get blue and white types which will make you fit right in.
When in Doubt, Get Down.
Via: Free Stock Photo.
If you aren’t wearing the best camouflage clothes, you need to hide from a target coming your way. Getting down is one of the best ways to become undetected. Sure, it might not work all the time, but ts a tool to add your hunting knowledge to pick out if you have nothing else.
Final Remarks: The Best Camouflage Techniques For Hunting
Via: Pixabay.
All in all, the best camouflage techniques for hunting are, by and large, painted with the famous camouflage pattern. Full-body suits are perfect as they are lightweight, often designed to bear the elements, and allow you to focus on what matters most, hunting. Moreover, those that conceal you, regardless of moving or staying still, are the best overall. So, choosing a camouflage outfit that minimises your worry about being spotted will make catching game that much easier.
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- Museums and the Early Trophy Hunters.
- How to Skin an Animal.
- The Evolution of Hunting and Rangers in D&D.
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- Essential Hunting Tools.
- What is Ethical Hunting?